Hello Lovely,
Let’s talk about making a “fresh start”. I thought this would be a great time to go into a little depth about exfoliating, a very important step to keep skin feeling fresh and renewed.

The exfoliating process:
Did you know that when we are younger the need for exfoliation is little. This is because our skin goes through a natural desquamation process aka. shedding of the dead skin cells, about every 14-28 days (only until our early 20’s). That process then allows for those new and healthy skin cells to surface, keeping skin looking fresh. Along with that we were blessed with producing an abundance of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid naturally to keep the skin plump and firm like a grape.
What happens as the years go by:
As we age the desquamation process slows down from shedding those dead skin cells every 28 days or so to every 40 days or more. So to speed up this process and to look our best, and take advantage of those fresh, new skin cells, we’ll want to exfoliate on average 2x’s a week. There are many options for exfoliating ranging from a face scrub (make sure the grains are very fine) to a light acid exfoliation, like a take home glycolic or lactic acid product.

Benefits of exfoliating on a weekly basis:
Brighter complexion
Smoother skin
Softer skin
Increases product absorption
Helps refine fine lines and wrinkles
Keeps pores cleaner
Stimulates blood flow (brings oxygen to surface of skin)
Exfoliation is essential to maintain youthful, glowing skin, and is best managed with a combo of at home methods, like retin-A or a gentler form like retinaldehyde and Babchi along with professional skincare treatments. Please let me know if you have any questions or need advice on which product would be best for your skin.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!