Hello beautiful,
Something new and exciting. I want to introduce to you my new baby… “The curve”. I am bringing this gem into the treatment room to help with toning of the neck and jawline. It’s an excellent upgrade to any facial!
So what exactly is it?
It’s an innovative device that uses a synergy of great technologies, all in one device to create changes in the tissue & the skin. I think of it like a combination of superfoods which are more powerful than just 1 on it’s own. The device utilizes 4 distinct features at one time :
Radio frequency
Selective heating of fat cells and stimulating the new growth of collagen fibers.
Vibrates tissue to increase product absorption & helps tighten skin.
LED Light
Warming effect on tissue that increases blood circulation and encouraging collagen and elastin production.
Biomechanical Vibration
Sends gentle vibrations that stimulate muscles. This is the mode that induces the toning!
And there you have it!
Love all the advancements that are being made available to us by the creative minds out there. A Lot of you asked for help with the neck and jawline so now you have a great upgrade option for that.
See you soon,